迷茫之鹰 发表于 2007-4-16 19:27:53

【转贴】Linux 中的游戏集锦



一、DOOM 3


最小需求: GNU/Linux system, Pentium III, 1Ghz 256Mb RAM Kernel 2.4, 2.6 is recommended glibc 2.2 and up

3D card: NV10 or R200 minimum hardware OpenGL hardware acceleration 64 MB VRAM

sound card + OSS ( with mmap support )

详情请见: http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/linux/doom



详情请见: http://www.quake3arena.com/


Changes: This release features significant performance enhancements.

详情请见: http://tnlgame.net/

四、模拟飞行游戏:Flight Gear Flight Simulator

The Flight Gear Flight Simulator project is a free, open-source, multi-platform, cooperative flight sim development project. Source code for the entire project is available and licensed under the GPL. The Flight Gear project is working to create a sophisticated flight simulator framework for the development and pursuit of interesting flight simulator ideas.

Live-CD (无需安装,直接运行): ftp://ftp.ihg.uni-duisburg.de/Fl ... ve-0.1-linuxtag.iso

五、X-Plane作者开发的免费太空飞行游戏Space Combat
Space Combat is a free spaceship simulator by Austin Meyer, author of X-Plane

六、The Battle for Wesnoth

The Battle for Wesnoth is a free, turn-based strategy game with a fantasy theme. Fight a desperate battle to reclaim the throne of Wesnoth, or take hand in any number of other adventures.

详情请见: http://www.wesnoth.org/


Freeciv is a multiplayer strategy game, released under the GNU General Public License

详情请见: http://www.freeciv.org/

* ftp://ftp.freeciv.org/freeciv/beta/freeciv-2.0.0-beta6.tar.gz
* ftp://ftp.freeciv.org/freeciv/beta/freeciv-2.0.0-beta6.tar.bz2

八、Enemy Territory



Nexuiz is a 3d deathmatch game project, created online by a team of developers called Alientrap. It is available for download for Windows, Mac, and Linux (all the same archive).The first version was released May 31st 2005, released entirely GPL and free over the net, a first for a project of its kind. Since then it has been downloaded over half a million times, and the game is still being updated and developed, currently at version 2.2 and new releases being developed. For more screens of the project and a video see the media page on the navbar, and for more questions or infomation see info or faq. If you would like to help out the project, and encourage more development, you can donate to the team through paypal with the donation link in the navbar.


十、Americas Army (美国陆军),在线战术FPS游戏,不开源

十一、Armagetron Advanced,3D魔方,开源



NeoPop-SDL is the SDL port of NeoPop, a portable NeoGeo Pocket emulator. It supports black&white and color games, game state saving, screenshots (BMP and PNG), sound and music, double- and triple-size both in software and hardware scaling as well as full-screen-modes, joysticks and keyboard input, and reading from ZIP files.


Generator The Sega Genesis Emulator

Additional features
Support for BZIP2 and GZIP compressed ROMs i.e., no more manual decompression or wasted disk space. Yay!
Support for X11's XVideo hardware acceleration for faster and smoother graphics.
Fullscreen support with or without the classic color frame.
SDL audio support (in favour of OSS Audio) which means you can use ESound and others for sharing the sound device among other applications.
Optional mute playing i.e., if you don't have a soundcard or the soundcard is busy you can still play.
Support for 48kHz sample rate (needs driver support).
Automagic CPU usage reduction which is especially cool for notebooks. The unpatched Generator uses more or less as much CPU as it can get even if needs far less than 10% on any modern system.


PSX GPU OGL2/XGL2 version 2.6




"Mame is a arcade machine emulator. Started in 1997, by Nicola Salmoria, mame started out as a series of emulators for individual games. This series of emulators was combined into a multiple game emulator format. This is the current form of mame, no longer a one man show, there are over 100 contributors to the project."

This is a very, very cool program. ROMs are kind of hard to find at the moment, though, because apparently The Man is cracking down on sites who distribute them. As if Dig Dug still has value outside a nostalgia application like this one.

Mame also supports Glide and OpenGL rendering, and experimental networked multiplayer.

详情请见: http://x.mame.net/


2006-01-22: Version 1.7 fixes a couple of bugs with rare limit hands, one or two other bugs, and a number of buffer overflow exposures. More importantly for Windows users, the Windows binary distribution is built with up-to-date toolchains and libraries. So far, this appears to solve the mysterious Windows (especially XP) crashes. Note that a new version gtkdlls1.zip of the GTK+ libraries is needed for this release. News about 1.7 pre-releases has been deleted. There are small changes from 1.7pre8 to 1.7, so beta testers should upgrade also.

详情请见: http://www.stevens-bradfield.com/MahJong/

十四、游戏 Colonization (中文游戏名称应该叫殖民帝国)的克隆,游戏开发小组的雄心万丈。游戏界面很不错。

About FreeCol The FreeCol team aims to create an Open Source version of Colonization (released under the GPL). At first we'll try to make an exact clone of Colonization. The visuals will be brought up to date with more recent standards but will remain clean, simple and functional. Certain new 'features' will be implemented but the gameplay and the rules will be exactly the same as the original game. Examples of modern features are: an isometric map and multiplayer support. This clone will be developed incrementally and result in FreeCol 1.0.0 which will be an almost exact Colonization clone. Incremental development basically means that we'll add features one at a time. This allows us to have a running program at all times and also to release an unfinished but working game once in a while.

Once FreeCol 1.0.0 is finished we'll start working towards FreeCol 2.0.0. FreeCol 2 will go beyond the original Colonization and will have many new features, it will be an implementation of our (and our users') image of what Colonization 2 would have been.

详情请见: http://freecol.sourceforge.net/

此文来自我的BLOG( http://zmq2032.blog.sohu.com/ )
这里( http://zmq2032.blog.sohu.com/40115291.html )有这些游戏的截图

如果你知道其他的好玩的Linux中的游戏,请在回复中介绍一下,让我也玩玩 :-)

Thank you !
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