迷茫之鹰 发表于 2023-7-9 13:25:13

Angry Bots 2 Unity Project


DescriptionAngry Bots 2 is an example Unity Project, developed by Unity Technologies, used to demonstrate several features:
[*]Graphics: Lightweight Render Pipeline & LWRP's Lit Shader. HDR enabled. Realtime Planar Reflections and Blue Refraction Render Pass scripts are included in the project.
[*]Lighting: Scene Ambient, Realtime Directional & Additional Lights, Realtime Shadows, Reflection Probes.
[*]Camera: Cinemachine to follow the Player.
[*]VFX: Shader Graph for environment effects such as Hose Extrusion, Emission Cycle, Hologram Glitch Effect.
[*]Prefab Workflows: Nested Prefabs for some objects such as the Player's Gun, Light Shards, etc.
[*]Post Processing: FXAA, Bloom, Chromatic Aberration, Color Grading, Vignette.
[*]UI: For a Debug Menu for toggling settings at runtime: FPS Display, Post Processing, LWRP Low/Medium/High Quality Assets
This is a 'live' project; meaning that assets, feature-usage, code, etc will likely be updated, changed and added in the future!Feel free to use anything from this project for whatever you are working on; assets, code, shader graphs, etc!https://camo.githubusercontent.com/052119a3422e74e026425418e501cfad690f307161b689ee6a10046fbb1695ca/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f6b494a706635532e6a7067Current Software Requirements
[*]Unity 2018.3.0f2
[*]Lightweight Render Pipeline: 4.6.0
[*]Arrow Keys/WASD to move the Player
[*]Mouse to aim the Player in a direction
[*]Mouse Click to shoot in that direction
ContactIf you have any feedback or issues when using the project; please contact Andy by email: andytunity3d.com


迷茫之鹰 发表于 2023-7-9 13:34:25

Unity AngryBots愤怒的机器人demo研究


unity3d angrybots学习之敌人围绕主角旋转和移动

Angry Bots水面反射效果剖析
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